Saturday, July 25, 2009
Depression Keeps Kicking Me Down, But I Keep Getting Back Up!
I decided today to try to do the Flylady thing again, so I got my kitchen sink emptied. I haven't shined it yet, but that is my goal for tomorrow. I'm taking babysteps here, folks. If I can get myself moving instead of sitting and letting things happen, I feel much better about things. So what if I only accomplish emptying the dishwasher? The point is that I have done something! I'm not going to let this stupid depression win. I'm going to fight it and I'm going to get the better of it in the end. So take that, depression!
So, that's life with Jaye today. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Getting Fit without my Wii Fit!
Today we walked to the local library which is about a forty minute walk each way. The little one went in the stroller (I'm not quite that crazy!). We missed the toddler time, but we got both girls signed up for the summer reading program and I got to stock up on my summer reading again. Who am I kidding, I read all year round because I love it so much!
So, we're settling into a bit of a routine and it seems to be working fairly well. I'm getting exercise without using my Wii Fit. I dread the next time I use it because I know it's going to bug me about not signing in more often. To be honest, I've gotten a little bored of the basic program. I've heard of some workout programs, so I will have to check them out. I probably should log in again, just to update my weight, but I'm a little scared. While I'm trying to eat healthy food, it's very easy to slip into eating not so healthy foods, especially when I've got both kids with me all day.
OK, so we're getting fit and healthy. How about organized? Hmm, I'm trying, that's for sure. I'm scooping any clothes that don't fit the kids and putting them into boxes right away to be donated. I've got two boxes right now. I try to keep my eyes open to things around the house that we don't really need and pop them into the boxes when I see them. So far, no one has complained about anything that has been missing--and considering the amount of toys that I've stuck in the boxes in recent months, I'm truly surprised. I don't recommend leaving the boxes open or even in the house once you hit the toy box. They're bound to open one and ask why their beloved little toy that they never play with is in there...always fun to try to explain!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Life is a Circus
Ansar Shrine Circus
Originally uploaded by aka Kath
Well, I don't know that it's entirely true that life is a circus, but I'm finding it interesting how the media here in North America works. Michael Jackson, renowned pop star and tabloid phenomenon passed away and we're being inundated with media attention on every last detail of his death and his will and so much other trivial information. I understand that people are curious because Jackson was such an iconic figure who seemed to value his privacy as much as he seemed to court the media. I'm getting tired of it and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Yes, it's sad that he died just when he seemed to be making a comeback and yes, I'm sorry for his family and children. Do I need to know intimate details about his life? Not really. There are children in the world who are starving, children who are being beaten or mistreated. There are wars going on, people are dying. Incredible things are happening every where. I'd really rather have the media focus elsewhere for a little while.
Anyone else have Michael Jackson burnout?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Happy Canada Day!!
Canadian Flag - Maple Leaf
Originally uploaded by David Paul Ohmer
No, I haven't completely disappeared from here. Life has been a little crazy lately, and without a computer of my own, I don't get a lot of time to be online. That being said, I'm doing pretty well. The girls and I are getting outside a lot more, so we're getting lots of exercise. I'm even fitting into my smaller sized capri pants (yay!) again.
I've totally laxed with my Wii Fit. I think I'm in a rut and I'm bored. Time to find a new game to play on it to keep me interested. I was also getting frustrated that my weight wasn't showing a change even after so much time on it. I need to see results to keep going with it. Anyway, my little one is upstairs crying, so I should go give her some cuddles so she gets to sleep again soon.
A very happy Canada day to my fellow Canadians! True North Strong and Free!