Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!!

Canadian Flag - Maple Leaf
Originally uploaded by David Paul Ohmer

No, I haven't completely disappeared from here. Life has been a little crazy lately, and without a computer of my own, I don't get a lot of time to be online. That being said, I'm doing pretty well. The girls and I are getting outside a lot more, so we're getting lots of exercise. I'm even fitting into my smaller sized capri pants (yay!) again.

I've totally laxed with my Wii Fit. I think I'm in a rut and I'm bored. Time to find a new game to play on it to keep me interested. I was also getting frustrated that my weight wasn't showing a change even after so much time on it. I need to see results to keep going with it. Anyway, my little one is upstairs crying, so I should go give her some cuddles so she gets to sleep again soon.

A very happy Canada day to my fellow Canadians! True North Strong and Free!

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